How Modern Gaming reflects Economic Hierarchy
The Internet with all its nuances is still considered to be one of the last bastions of equality. While the so called real world is replete with intricate stratifications designed for the rich and by the rich;the internet is fairly egalitarian... or so we thought. The freemium model of games these days offer a simplified analogy for the transcendence of the economic principles of the real world into this subculture. Why invest hours of gaming into honing your skills when it can do easily be thwarted by purchasing an upgrade costing not more than two large pizzas. Your purchases can jack up your capabilities to mindnumbing heights, well beyond the punching area of the average gamer. Your opponent could be the Genghis Khan of gaming but when you call in the artillery, it's literally game over for the little guy. Economists have been employing various tools and methodology to determine ho...
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